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Types and Manifestations of Bullying: Understanding and Combating Bullying 


Bullying is a serious problem that affects students of all ages around the world. The negative impact of bullying on the mental, emotional and academic health of young people is significant. To effectively address this problem, it is crucial to understand the different types and manifestations of bullying that exist. In this article, we will explore the main types of bullying and provide strategies to combat it by promoting safe and respectful educational environments. 

Source: http://reporteroescolar.unir.net/2014/periodistas-siglo-xxi/acoso-escolar/ 

Verbal and emotional harassment 

Verbal and emotional harassment is a common form of bullying that involves insults, taunts, defamation and constant humiliation towards the victim. This type of bullying can occur both in person and through digital media, causing significant psychological and emotional harm. It is essential to promote empathy and respectful communication among students to prevent and address this type of bullying. 

Source: https://www.guiainfantil.com/blog/449/el-maltrato-verbal-violencia-hacia-los-ninos.html 

Physical Harassment 

Physical bullying involves direct physical aggression, such as hitting, pushing, shoving, kicking or any form of physical violence towards the victim. This type of bullying can leave lasting physical and emotional scars on affected students. It is essential that educators and parents foster a culture of respect and teach young people to resolve conflicts peacefully. 

Source: https://www.diferenciador.com/acoso-y-bullying/ 

Social and relational harassment 

Social and relational bullying refers to exclusion, defamation, rumor spreading and manipulation of the victim’s social relationships. Bullies use ostracism and isolation tactics to cause emotional distress and damage the reputation of their victims. It is important to promote inclusion and foster empathy among students to prevent and counteract this type of bullying. 

Source: https://www.psicoaverroes.es/blog/que-es-el-bullying/ 


Cyberbullying, also known as online harassment, occurs through digital platforms, such as social networks, text messages and email. Bullies use these tools to send threatening messages, defame, share humiliating content, and persistently harass their victims. There is a need to educate students about the dangers of cyberbullying and promote online safety strategies to protect their well-being. 

Source: https://conecta.tec.mx/es/noticias/ciudad-de-mexico/educacion/cinco-tipos-de-ciberacoso-y-como-afectan-la-salud-mental-y-emocional 

Sexual harassment 

Sexual harassment is a serious form of bullying that involves unwanted comments, gestures, touching, or other non-consensual sexual conduct toward the victim. This type of bullying can have a devastating impact on the lives of affected students. It is imperative to create safe environments where consent is promoted, personal boundaries are educated, and sexual harassment is reported immediately. 

Source: https://www.eluniverso.com/larevista/2019/05/19/nota/7334606/estudio-propone-herramienta-medir-evitar-acoso-sexual/ 

Bullying takes many forms and manifestations, all of which have a detrimental impact on students’ lives. To effectively address this problem, it is essential to understand the different types of bullying and take steps to prevent and combat it. Educators, parents and the community at large must work together to foster a culture of respect, empathy and inclusion in schools. Only through a joint effort can we create safe, bully-free educational environments where all students can thrive and reach their full potential. 


“Types of bullying and how to prevent it” – Source: https://www.unicef.org/es/temas/bullying 

“Manifestations of bullying and how to address them” – Source: https://www.stopbullying.gov/resources/espanol/manifestaciones-del-acoso-escola 

“What is bullying?” – Source: https://www.who.int/es/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/bullying 

“How to prevent and address cyberbullying” – Source: https://www.commonsensemedia.org/espanol/blog/como-prevenir-y-abordar-el-ciberacoso 

“A Guide to Preventing Sexual Bullying in Schools” – Source: https://www.unwomen.org/es/news/stories/2021/2/compilation-guide-to-prevent-sexual-harassment-in-schools 

New Forms of School Bullying: How to Address Harassment in the Digital Age


School bullying is a problem that has existed for a long time, but with the advent of technology and social media, it has evolved and a number of new forms of bullying have emerged. Bullying in the digital age can be just as harmful as traditional bullying, and it is essential that educators, parents and the community at large are informed and prepared to address these new manifestations of bullying. In this article, we will explore some of the new forms of school bullying and provide effective strategies to prevent and combat bullying in the digital environment.

Cyberbullying: online harassment

Cyberbullying refers to harassment that occurs through online platforms, such as social media, instant messaging, and email. Abusers use these tools to send hate messages, defame, share humiliating images or videos, and harass their victims. It is essential to educate students about the dangers of cyberbullying and foster a culture of respect and empathy online.

Source: https://mediacionescolar.org/mediacion-escolar-prevencion-gestion-bullying/

Sexting and the non-consensual dissemination of images

Sexting, the sending of explicit sexual messages or images, has become a worrying practice among adolescents. When these images are shared without the consent of the person involved, it becomes a form of bullying known as “non-consensual sharing of images.” It is important to educate young people about the risks of sexting and the importance of consent in all online interactions.

Source: https://www.mateobuenoabogado.com/sexting/?print=print

Trolling and harassment in forums and comments

Trolling refers to the practice of provoking and harassing other users in online forums, social media comments, and discussion sections. Trolls deliberately seek to generate conflict and cause emotional distress to their victims. It is essential to teach students how to identify and confront trolls, and promote a safe and respectful online environment.


Source: https://te-hangarau.com/bullying-internet-ciberacoso/

Social exclusion and ostracism on social networks

Social networks can also be used as tools of social exclusion and ostracism. Students may be excluded from online groups, tagged in humiliating posts, or deliberately ignored in online interactions. It is important to foster a culture of inclusion and respect on all digital platforms and provide support to students who experience social exclusion.

Source: https://es.linkedin.com/pulse/qu%C3%A9-llamamos-cultura-de-la-cancelaci%C3%B3n-y-por-es-el-gonzalez-montes-8mgkc


Grooming and online handling

Grooming involves an adult gaining the trust of a minor online with the aim of sexually exploiting or harassing them. Bullies use manipulative tactics to gain the trust of young people and then abuse them emotionally, psychologically or physically. It is imperative to teach students about the dangers of grooming and encourage open communication about their experiences online.


Source: https://es.linkedin.com/pulse/child-grooming-un-riesgo-latente-en-l%C3%ADnea-bejarano-morales

School bullying has evolved in the digital age, introducing new forms of harassment that can have a devastating impact on students. To address this problem, it is essential that educators, parents and the community at large are informed and take preventive measures. This involves educating students about the dangers of cyberbullying, sexting and trolling, promoting a culture of respect and empathy online, and encouraging open communication to detect and address any form of harassment. Only through a joint effort can we create safe and bullying-free school environments in the digital age.


“What is cyberbullying and how to prevent it” – Source: https://www.unicef.org/es/temas/bullying- “Sexting and non-consensual dissemination of images: how to protect adolescents” – Source: https:// www.commonsensemedia.org/espanol/blog/sexting-y-difusion-no-consensuada-de-imagenes-como-proteger-a-los-adolescentes

“How to deal with trolls online” – Source: https://www.stopbullying.gov/resources/teens/how-to-deal-with-trolling-online

“Tips to prevent social exclusion on social networks” – Source: https://www.netsmartz.org/espanol/blog/consejos-para-prevenir-la-exclusion-social-en-las-redes-sociales

“Grooming: how to protect children and adolescents from online manipulation” – Source: https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/youthviolence/espanol/grooming/index.html


“Preventing school bullying in the digital age” – Source: https://www.antibullyingpro.com/blog/2021/1/6/preventing-cyberbullying-in-the-digital-age-the-ultimate-guide

PornHub’s chatbot has been successful in preventing and identifying abuse on the Internet

Rafael Nuñez y Rafael Nuñez Aponte PornHub's chatbot has been successful in preventing and identifying abuse on the Internet

After a month of testing in the United Kingdom, the new PornHub chatbot has been a success, which seeks to alert users who delve into illegal content, has identified 173,000 interventions and has managed to remove a large number of pages related to child abuse.

What can happen if the chatbot is done worldwide?

Rafael Nuñez y Rafael Nuñez Aponte PornHub's chatbot has been successful in preventing and identifying abuse on the Internet

The chatbot appears when someone searches PornHub for any of the 28,000 terms that refer to child pornography. This pop-up, designed by the LucyFaithfull Foundation in conjunction with the Internet Watch Foundation, asks a series of questions and explains to people that such searches may be illegal.

The goal of this tool is to interrupt someone looking for child sexual abuse material, since its launch more than 170,000 times in March, which means 159 people have clicked on the helpline website.

Following its success, PornHub now wants to roll out the feature worldwide, a move that has been hailed as truly innovative in the British press. The fear perhaps resides in the fact that if in just one month in a country there have been such a number of searches, what can happen if it is done worldwide.

Apart from this novelty, PornHub for its part, in collaboration with the previous association and others, removes websites with content related to minors on a monthly basis.

Psychological effects in childhood after sexual abuse

Rafael Nuñez y Rafael Nuñez Aponte Psychological effects in childhood after sexual abuse

Sexual abuse in childhood has devastating effects on the psyche of the child or adolescent, regardless of the age at which the assault occurs.

The importance of the complaint

Rafael Nuñez y Rafael Nuñez Aponte Psychological effects in childhood after sexual abuse

Currently, considerable progress has been made with the importance of the complaint, although there are still many important obstacles to carrying it out. When the environment does not believe the child or silences him without carrying out the complaint at the time it occurs, it aggravates the situation of the minor, and that cataclysm in the psyche makes itself heard.

The magnitude of the impact caused by a sexual assault on the child’s psyche can be graphed as a tsunami or an earthquake, and we imagine the child’s psyche after the abuse equal to the space after these natural phenomena occur.

When a child dares to speak, the reaction of the environment will be fundamental in overcoming this trauma, because there is a possibility that the child may feel protected and the wounds he carries may begin to heal.

As for the signs or symptoms, a list of the same effects in all victims can be made.

Abuse fundamentally compromises:

  • The idea of ​​the future.
  • The idea of ​​how that child is going to build his bond with the others.
  • Trust in the other.
  • The possibility of feeling safe in spaces, among others.

Safe Childhood Project

Rafael Nuñez y Rafael Nuñez Aponte Safe Childhood Project

The Safe Childhood Project is a US initiative launched nationwide in May 2006 by the Department of Justice to combat the growing epidemic of child sexual exploitation and abuse, and has brought different cases to justice.

A 55-year-old man from Crofton, Maryland pleaded guilty yesterday to possession of child pornography. According to his guilty plea, Gordon’s IP address was found to access dark websites. Executing a search warrant at Gordon’s residence, police seized numerous computer devices that Gordon admitted belonged to him. Gordon faces a maximum sentence of 20 years in federal prison followed by life supervised release for possession of child pornography.

Community and school awareness campaign

Rafael Nuñez y Rafael Nuñez Aponte Safe Childhood Project

The Safe Childhood project is run by the United States Attorney’s Offices and the Criminal Division’s Obscenity and Child Exploitation Section, the Safe Childhood Project, and brings together federal, state, and local resources to:

  • Locate, arrest and prosecute people who sexually exploit children.
  • Identify and rescue sexually exploited victims.

Likewise, under this project, effective community and school awareness campaigns are developed, focusing on important issues such as:

  • Cyber bullying.
  • Sexting: minors who take sexually explicit photos of themselves and post them on the Internet.
  • Predators of minors on the Internet and their typical modus operandi.
  • Prevention of the dissemination of personal information over the Internet.
  • Information for parents and schools that need additional resources.

Sharenting: Why shouldn’t we share photos of our children on social networks?

Rafael Nuñez y Rafael Nuñez Aponte Sharenting Why shouldn't we share photos of our children on social networks

The term sharenting comes from Share (sharing) and Parenting (paternity). It has become more popular as parents share their children’s lives online, documenting important events in minute detail on Facebook, Instagram and other social networks.

The Fingerprint

Rafael Nuñez y Rafael Nuñez Aponte Sharenting Why shouldn't we share photos of our children on social networks

Publishing or uploading images, videos or any other type of recording associated with our children on the Internet in general, and on social networks, creates a digital footprint and exposes them to the different dangers that come with browsing the web. Even the information that parents share on social networks about their children can pose security risks and fraud.

The main risks that the public profiles of parents in social networks and messaging services, among others, that they can carry are the following:

  • It can lead to both physical and digital identity hijacking.
  • When minors access social networks, they can use these photos or videos to be the subject of memes, or any form of bullying on the networks.
  • During the adult lives of current minors, they may be victims of identity theft.
  • Digital reputation. When adult minors want to access prestigious institutions, the members of the selection committee will be able to access all the applicant’s information, especially social networks.

If we send images or videos via instant messaging (such as WhatsApp), we need to make sure that the people we send any content to are trustworthy and will not share it without our permission.

Clave A Project: Training professionals in the prevention of child sexual abuse

Rafael Nuñez y Rafael Nuñez Aponte Clave A Project Training professionals in the prevention of child sexual abuse

Spain is launching the «Clave A» project, which will provide training to more than 1,000 professionals already registered in the Canary Islands, who are related to work with children and adolescents.

How does this project work?

Rafael Nuñez y Rafael Nuñez Aponte Clave A Project Training professionals in the prevention of child sexual abuse

Among the achievements of the Investigating Court number 3 is that of reducing the time it takes to carry out a pre-constituted test on a minor, the creation of a specific kit designed for children to take DNA samples, putting an end to the “institutional abuse” that it existed before for girls, with the development of the branch of pediatrics and forensic gynecology.

The professionals who are in permanent contact with the children generate bonds of trust to be able to tell them what is happening, and provide them with all the possible instruments to facilitate the communication of this situation through signs or drawings such as those promoted by this project.

The training course planned within the program is cross-cutting training designed to:

  • Help detect situations of abuse.
  • Know how to deal with them.
  • Prevent them in such a way that they can accompany the minor and not become victims.

Most cases of sexual abuse are detected by the child’s teacher who notices the child withdrawn, sad, with a different behavior, so it is important to maintain good communication with children as well as observation to detect changes.

The European Union presents a plan to detect and eliminate pedophile content on the network

Rafael Nuñez y Rafael Nuñez Aponte The European Union presents a plan to detect and eliminate pedophile content on the network

The European Commission (EC) presented a legislative proposal with new rules for Internet companies, and oblige Internet access service providers to detect and eliminate content of child pornography and sexual abuse of minors on the network, in addition to reporting on it to the authorities.

How to prevent pedophilia oon th Network

Rafael Nuñez y Rafael Nuñez Aponte The European Union presents a plan to detect and eliminate pedophile content on the network.

The new rules will operate in parallel with and in support of the regulation strategy in the EU Digital Services Law, which will introduce heavy fines for companies that fail to act on illegal content.

Under the new plan, companies will have to propose mitigation measures. Member States will have to designate national authorities in charge of reviewing the risk assessment and mitigation measures.

If an effective detection of material of sexual abuse of minors is carried out, they must notify it to the new EU center, which will provide information on identified material and will act as a filter. As for those images that cannot be removed because they are outside the EU or in non-cooperative jurisdictions, access to images and videos will be disabled.

The rules also require computer application stores to ensure that children cannot download programs that could expose them to “a high risk of sexual solicitation.” Simultaneously, the EC today published a new European Strategy for a Better Internet for Children, which seeks to provide safe digital experiences and protect minors from harmful and illegal online content.

Former comedian from Sábado Gigante sentenced to 57 years in prison for child pornography


A Miami-Dade County grand jury again found former Sábado Gigante comedian, Adonis Losada, guilty of possessing child pornography, after filming him on video with explicit and aberrant photographs of babies and young children.

Losada, 57, who was a familiar presence on the popular Univision variety show, was sentenced Thursday to 51 counts of possession of images of child pornography. This Friday, Miami-Dade County Circuit Judge, Teresa Pooler, sentenced Losada to 57 years in prison.

The comedic actor, who on the show played a wacky, gray-haired grandmother named Doña Concha, was arrested in 2009. The same investigation also led to accusations in Palm Beach County, where Losada was sentenced to 10 years in prison.

Losada finally went to trial in 2016 in Miami-Dade, where jurors heard he set up a meeting with an undercover detective in an online chat room called “Baby Toddler Love.” Losada met another undercover officer at a Starbucks Cafe in Hallandale Beach, where he subsequently flipped through a book of child pornography photos as hidden police cameras recorded the encounter.

Venezuela shaken by wave of complaints about cases of sexual abuse on social networks

Rafael Nuñez y Rafael Nuñez Aponte Venezuela shaken by wave of complaints about cases of sexual abuse on social networks

The week that started on Monday, April 19, was a very busy one in Venezuela, especially on social networks as a massive movement of complaints about several cases of sexual abuse, statutory rape and even rape that targeted different members of the national cultural scene, was uncovered.

It was a specific rape complaint against Alejandro Sojo, vocalist of the band Los Colores, which started everything. The accusation was made via Instagram through the account @alejandrosojoestupro, which was created especially for victims to raise their voices through this platform. What followed then was a whole wave of accusations.

By pointing out the same crime to Sojo himself, more victims appeared as the days passed, all indicating that this type of behavior was recurrent, especially with minors. In addition, Murachi Palomo, a friend of the singer and an accomplice, was also accused of committing sexual abuse.

The names of Tony Maestracci, drummer of the Tomates Fritos band, Leonardo Jaramillo (Kamarón), Okills guitarist, Daniel Landaeta, drummer of the Le’Cinema band, or Juan Carlos Ogando, director and co-founder of the Skena Actoral Group, were also exposed, as well as cases that point to figures from the university, politics, sports, among other areas, although without names.

#YoSíTeCreo, the #MeToo of Venezuela

The #MeToo movement began in the United States as a result of film producer Harvey Weinstein‘s sexual abuse revelations. And it was so shocking that it soon encompassed the entire planet, including Venezuela, thanks to the organization of the victims themselves.

In the specific case of what happened recently in networks in the country, another movement was generated, the #YoSíTeCreo, in response to the indifference against these cases of abuse. It also started with the Instagram account @AlejandroSojoEstupro, and like the whole context, it grew to dominate social trends.

The Alejandro Sojo and Willy Mckey case

Allegations of abuse by various public figures were answered to a greater and lesser extent by the accused. Alejandro Sojo, for example, admitted to having committed statutory rape and having requested and had sexual relations with a minor. Leonardo Jaramillo, for his part, published a statement in which he did not admit the facts, but did say that he was working on his attitude.

Another who spoke was Tony Maestracci, although he dismissed the accusations against him as defamation. However, he announced his resignation from Tomates Fritos. Those who did speak out and very clearly were all the defendants’ bands and workplaces, promptly siding with the victims and announcing everything from separations to contract breakdowns.

Willy McKey case

The loudest case of the #YoSíTeCreo movement involved the poet, writer and storyteller Willy Mckey, who was accused of having sex with a teenage girl about six years ago. The victim, who also spoke through networks under a protected identity, denounced that the artist exercised his position of power to achieve his mission.

Mckey admitted on his Instagram that he committed statutory rape (having sexual relations with minors), and affirmed that he would know how to take charge of the consequences of his actions, starting by being left out of all his work projects. While he announced that, the Prodavinci portal, the Team Poetero, Autores Venezolanos and La Poeteca rejected the crimes.

The Attorney General of the Republic, Tarek William Saab, became involved in this case, as well as in the other complaints, and announced that the Public Ministry would open investigations against Alejandro Sojo, Tony Maestracci and Mckey himself.

However, Willy McKey took action first and, this past Thursday, April 29, took his own life in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where he resided. The information of his suicide spread as rumor at first, and was later confirmed by local journalists. Official versions indicate that McKey jumped into the void from a ninth floor of a building on Córdoba Avenue in the Recoleta neighborhood.

The writer left one last message on Twitter: “Don’t be this. It grows inside and kills you. I’m sorry”. That would be his suicide note.

